Horton Revolving Door Systems
Horton Automatics revolving doors systems offer dramatic architectural appeal, energy efficiency and the ability to move vast amounts of pedestrian traffic. The product offering comes on a wide selection of finishes, diameters, door wing configurations, glazing options, sensors and security features.
AutoFlow, MiniGrand, & Large Diameter Grand Systems
The AutoFlow, MiniGrand and Grand automatic door systems are ideal for heavy traffic with energy savings in mind. Available in center shaft or center core vestibule design configurations these systems offer smooth, continous rotation.
EasyFlow Manual Series 9500
The EasyFlow Series 9531 is a low cost energy efficient alternative to an automatic revolving door system. This system is available in a center shaft vestibule design with segmented or round canopy designs.
Series 9100 & 9200 ControlFlow 1 and 2-Way Security
The ControlFlow 1 and 2-way security systems are ideal for restricting access to key areas of a facility. It prevents anti-tailgating with the additional security option of Visdom HS anti-piggybacking.
Airport Exit Lane Security
Series 9100 Control Flow 1-Way Airport Security Revolving
The ControlFlow 1-Way airport security revolving door system is designed for one-way exits from secure areas of an airport. The object detection allows for fast traffic flow and detects objects if a person or foreign object has attempted to enter secured space. The system is available in round or segmented designs.